Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
NCHI za Tanzania na Rwanda zinatarajia kukuza ushirikiano na kurahisisha muingiliano wa kijamii baina ya wananchi wa nchi hizo mbili baada ya kuundwa kwa chama cha urafiki kati ya Tanzania na Rwanda (TARAFA).
Chama hicho ambacho kitafanya uzinduzi wake hivi karibuni kwa lengo la kukitambulisha Wananchi wa nchi hizo kinatarajia kukuza ushirikiano katika nyanya mbali mbali ikiwemo shughuli za kijamii na kitamaduni.
Ofisa mwenezi wa Chama hicho Godfrey Semwaiko amesema chama hicho ambacho kinaongozwa na Balozi Christopher Liundi ambaye ni Mwenyekiti kina lengo la kukuza ushirikiano baina ya nchi hizo.
WANANCHI wa Kijiji cha Cheku wilayani Kondoa Mkoani Dodoma wanatarajiwa kuondokana na adha ya kusafiri umbali mrefu kutafuta maji, baada ya kupatikana wafadhili watakagharamia mradi wa maji utakaogharimu zaidi ya shiulingi milioni 60.
Wakazi hao waliokuwa wakisafiri zaidi ya kilomita 10 kuteka maji kwa ajili ya matumizi ya kila siku wataondokana na adha hiyo baada ya wageni kutoka nchini Canada kupitia Shirika la Uhifadhi wa Mazingira na Utamaduni wa Asili wa Kondoa (KICHECO) Mwaka 2006 kutembelea kijijini hapo na kukubali kufadhi mradi huo.
Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari , Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa KICHECO, ambaye pia ni Meneja wa Mradi huo, Moshi Changai amesema wageni hao wameamua kufadhili mradi huo baada ya kuona jinsi wakazi wa kijiji hicho wanavyotumia muda mwingi kufuata maji huku wakikwama kufanya shughuli za maendeleo.
NA…..Wafanyakazi wa Mashirika ya Misaada nchini Somalia wanasema kuwa watu wenye silaha wamewateka wenzao watatu, wakiwemo raia mmoja wa Ubelgiji na Mholanzi wanaofanya kazi katika Shirika la Madaktari wasio na mipaka.
Mfanyakazi mwingine wa shirika hilo amesema watu hao watatu walitekwa nyara wakiwa na walinzi wao raia wa Somalia, wakati walipokuwa wakisafiri kuelekea katikati mwa nchi hiyo.
Shirika la Madaktari wasio na Mipaka la Ubelgiji limethibitisha, kupoteza mawaliano na baadhi ya wafanyakazi wake walioko nchini humo.
Mapigano ya wenyewe kwa wenyewe nchini Somalia yamesababisha vifo vya watu kadhaa katika kipindi cha miaka miwili iliyopita, huku wengine zaidi ya milioni tatu wakiishi kwa kutegemea misaada ya chakula.
Mapigano ya wenyewe kwa wenyewe nchini Somalia yamesababisha vifo vya watu kadhaa katika kipindi cha miaka miwili iliyopita, huku wengine zaidi ya milioni tatu wakiishi kwa kutegemea misaada ya chakula.
Source:Chumba cha Habari - Radio Huruma Fm
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Wasanii wa Muziki wa Injili kutoka Morogoro na Dar es Salaam wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja na watangazaji wa Radio Huruma mara baada ya Tamasha la Pasaka lililoambatana na Utambulisho wa Album "WOKOVU NI MAPAMBANO"yake Ester Gasper aliyevaa nguo nyeuse tuuuupu!!!!!its was so good pale katika Ukumbi wa Majestic Cinema!
JESUS HELP ME.In every need let me come to you with humble trust saying.....Jesus help me.In all doubts, perplexities and temptations...Jesus help me.In hours of loneliness, weariness and trails........Jesus help me.In the failure of my plans and hopes........Jesus help me.In disappointments, troubles and sorrows.....Jesus help me.When others fail me, and your grace alone can assist me.....Jesus help me.When i throw myself on your tender love as a Father and Savior.....Jesus help me.When my heart is cast down by failure at seeking no good come from my efforts...Jesus help me.When I am sick, and my head and hands can not work and I am lonely.....Jesus help me.
Always, always in spite of weakness, falls and shortcomings of every kind....Jesus help me.
wish you all a blessed time.
Always, always in spite of weakness, falls and shortcomings of every kind....Jesus help me.
wish you all a blessed time.
Matendo ya Huruma kwa Watoto Yatima.
Wito umetolewa kwa wazazi wote wa Kitanzania kuonyesha ushirikiano na mshikamano katika jukumu la kuwahudumia watoto yatima kwa kuwapenda na kuishi nao bila kuwabagua, kwni hata wao hawakupenda kuishi bila wazazi.
Wito umetolewa kwa wazazi wote wa Kitanzania kuonyesha ushirikiano na mshikamano katika jukumu la kuwahudumia watoto yatima kwa kuwapenda na kuishi nao bila kuwabagua, kwni hata wao hawakupenda kuishi bila wazazi.
Akizungumza na Radio Huruma katibu wanawake Wakatoliki Tanzania Wawata Parokia ya Manundu Korongwe Restiteta Makomba amesema kesho ni siku rasmi ya tukio la Matendo ya huruma kwa Watoto yatima waishio Manundu wilayani Korongwe.
Aidha katibu huyo amesema kusudi la tukio hilo ni kusaidia watoto yatima wenye umri wa miaka 4 hadi 8 kuwasaidia mahitaji mbalimbali, pia kwa kupitia michezo waliyowaandalia watabaini luwa watoto hao wanapata haki zao za msingi au laa.
Bi Makomba amewataka wazazi waondokana na na dhana potofu mara wanapopewa mtoto yatima kumuona kuwa ni mzigo na badala yake wawaone kama baraka, wanahitaji kupendwa, elimu, chakula, malazi na mahitaji mengine muhimu kwani watoto hao wanaishi katika mazingira hatarishi sana kutokana na kukosa wazazi wao.
Akielezea chanzo cha aongezeko la yatima katibu huyo wa Wawata amesema ajali huchangia kwa kiasi kikubwa, ugonjwa wa ukosefu wa kinga mwilini yaani Ukimwi, kuvunjika kwa ndoa pamoja na wazazi kuwabagua watoto wao ndani ya familia zao.
Kauli mbiu katika tukio hilo "Mtoto ni zawadi", pia wazazi wametakiwa kuwaona watoto wote ni sawa, na mtoto wa mwenzako ni wako, hata hivyo hii na mara ya pili ya wana - Wawata kufanya tamasha la matendo ya huruma kwa kutoa misaada mbalimbali kwa yatima waishio Manundu ambapo huduma hiyo hufanyika sambamba na maazimisho ya sherehe ya pasaka kila mwaka, na mwaka huu sherehe hizo zitafanyika katika ukumbi wa Mountain View , tarehe 19 mwezi huu kuanzia saa 7 mchana hadi saa kumi jioni.
Story na Zawadi Kika - Korogwe
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Maombi maalum

Maombi ya Pamoja Jijini Tanga
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Kwa wewe unayekula Nyama watch this
Imeelezwa kuwa wafadhili wataipa Tanzania takriban dola milioni 470 za kimarekani kwa ajili ya bajeti yake ya mwaka 2009/ 2010.
Kwa mujibu wa Serikali ya Tanzania imesema kwamba benki ya dunia nayo itaipa nchi hiyo dola milioni 220 kuisaidia kukabiliana na mgogoro wa kiuchumi.
Tanzania ni miongoni mwa nchi za Afrika zinazonufaika kutokana na misaada. Inakabiliwa na athari kubwa kutokana na mgogoro wa kiuchumi ambao umepunguza mahitaji ya bidhaa na bei za bidhaa kama vile kahawa na kupungua kwa watalii wanaoitembelea nchi hiyo.
Ikiwa ni siku tatu tangu benki kuu ya tanzania BOT kutangaza kuwa biashara ya kupanda na kuvuna pesa inayoendeshwa na kampuni DECI Limited ya jijini Dar es aalam katika maeneo mbalimbali hapa nchini ni haramu ,baadhi ya wakazi wa mkoa wa Pwani wamepinga taarifa hiyo.
Wakiongea kwa nyakati tofauti wakazi hao wamesema kuwa biashara ya kampuni ya DECI ni halali kwakuwa imesajiliwa kihalali na inaendesha biashara zake kwa kufuata kanuni za mamlaka ya usajili wa makampuni nchini- BRELA.
Mmoja wa wakazi hao Estom Rwegalula, amesema wameshangazwa na taarifa iliyotolewa na benki kuu ya Tanzania BOT kuwa biashara ya kupanda na kuvuna inayofanywa na kampuni ya DECI ni haramu kwani kampuni hiyo imeanza kufanya biashara hiyo ya kupanda na kuvuna kwa zaidi ya miaka mitatu na wakati wote huo imekuwa ikilipa kodi mamlaka ya mapato nchini TRA .
NA ……………………………………
Mke wa rais wa zamani wa Peru Alberto Fujimori, ameilaumu mahakama ya mjini Lima kwa kupitisha hukumu ya kichawi dhidi ya mumewe.
Satomi Kataoka, raia wa Japan mwenye umri wa miaka 42, ameshtushwa na kukasirishwa na hukumu ya miaka 25 iliyotolewa dhidi ya mumewe na jopo la majaji watatu katika mahakama ya mjini Lima nchini Peru baada ya kumpata na hatia kwa makosa ya mauaji na ukiukaji wa haki za binadamu.
Mke wa rais wa zamani wa Peru Alberto Fujimori, ameilaumu mahakama ya mjini Lima kwa kupitisha hukumu ya kichawi dhidi ya mumewe.
Satomi Kataoka, raia wa Japan mwenye umri wa miaka 42, ameshtushwa na kukasirishwa na hukumu ya miaka 25 iliyotolewa dhidi ya mumewe na jopo la majaji watatu katika mahakama ya mjini Lima nchini Peru baada ya kumpata na hatia kwa makosa ya mauaji na ukiukaji wa haki za binadamu.
Source:Radio Huruma Fm Habari kwa Ufupi ya saa 8 mchana leo.
Reader:Azalia Lucas Mwimbe
Sunday, April 5, 2009
UCIP - Members Tour
Quotations of the Day

'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.'
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Its me
UCIP Participants again
Participants UCIP refresher Course
Pan African Jornalists - Mombasa
Oddo on Air
Presenter RadiO Huruma
Friday, April 3, 2009

Wadau wa soka na michezo kwa ujumla mkoani morogoro wametakiwa kujitoa kikamilifu katika kuisaidia kwa hali na mali timu ya bukinafaso wana kisiki cha mpingo mabingwa wa kandanda mkoa wa morogoro mwaka 2009 ili waweze kujiwinda vizuri na hatua inayofuata.
Wito huo metolewa wadau wa timu hiyo katika hafla ya kuipongeza timu hiyo kwa kuibuka bingwa wa mkoa iliyofanyika katika ukumbi wa ofisi ya afisa mtendaji wa kata ya mwembesongo na kuhudhuriwa na mgeni rasmi diwani wa kata hiyo fransis kayenzi.
Katika hafla hiyo diwani kayenzi ameipongeza timu hiyo kwa kuwa bingwa wa mkoa na kuwataka wadau mbalimbali ndani ndani ya kata hiyo, wilaya na mkoa kila mmoja kwa nafasi yake kuisaidia timu hiyo iweze kufikia malengo yake.
Awali katika risala ya timu hiyo iliyosomwa na katibu mkuu wa timu hiyo nasoro samata imeelezea matatizo na mafanikio ambayo timu imeweza kuyapata kuwa ni pamoja na kushinda michezo 19 kati ya 23 iliyocheza katika ligi hiyo tangu hatua ya wilaya hadi ubingwa wa mkoa na kutoa mfungaji bora mohamed mkingie aliyefunga mabao 8.
Matatizo ambayo timu imeweza kukumbuna nayo ni pamoja na kukimbiwa na wachezaji wake 5 na kocha kwenda timu ya dimon wakati wakiwa katika maandalizi ya ligi hiyo na tatizo la ukata wa fedha jambo ambalo baadaye lilitatuliwa na wafadhili mbalimbali kwa kuichangia timu.
Awali risala hiyo ilibainisha mikakati ya timu hiyo katika kujijenga kiuchumu kuwa ni pamoja na kutaka kuanzisha mradi wa kilimo kununua mashamba ya mpunga na mahindi na kulima mazao yatakayovunwa na kuuzwa kwa manufaa ya klabu hiyo pamoja na mradi wa biashara ya duka.
Hata hivyo pia uongozi wa timu hiyo umewashukuru wadau wote walioisaidia timu katika hali mbalimbali ya kifedha na kimawazo hadi kufikia hapo ilipo na kuwaomba wazidi kuwa nao bega kwa bega katika kipindi hiki wakijiandaa na ligi hiyo ya taifa ngazi ya kanda.
Kwa upande wake katibu mkuu wa chama cha soka mkoa wa morogoro aristo niktasi ameipongeza timu hiyo kwa kuibuka bingwa wa mkoa na kusisitiza kuwa hatua inayofuata ni ngumu na inahitaji mshikamano wa pamoja kati ya wachezaji. wadau wa soka, chama cha mpira mkoa na serikali kwa ujumla.
timu hiyo ya bukinafaso yenye wanachama 90 imeanzishwa rasmi mwaka 1985 ikiitwa ‘mafia united’ ikiwa na wanachama 60 kabla ya kubadili jina na kuitwa bukinafaso mwaka 1990 na imewahi kushiriki ligi ya taifa daraja la pili mara kadhaa katika maeneo mbalimbali ikiwemo mtwara 2002, itigi singida 2003 arusha mwaka 2004, tanga mwaka 2005 na pwani 2006 ilipotolewa na jkt ruvu.
Wadau wa soka na michezo kwa ujumla mkoani morogoro wametakiwa kujitoa kikamilifu katika kuisaidia kwa hali na mali timu ya bukinafaso wana kisiki cha mpingo mabingwa wa kandanda mkoa wa morogoro mwaka 2009 ili waweze kujiwinda vizuri na hatua inayofuata.
Wito huo metolewa wadau wa timu hiyo katika hafla ya kuipongeza timu hiyo kwa kuibuka bingwa wa mkoa iliyofanyika katika ukumbi wa ofisi ya afisa mtendaji wa kata ya mwembesongo na kuhudhuriwa na mgeni rasmi diwani wa kata hiyo fransis kayenzi.
Katika hafla hiyo diwani kayenzi ameipongeza timu hiyo kwa kuwa bingwa wa mkoa na kuwataka wadau mbalimbali ndani ndani ya kata hiyo, wilaya na mkoa kila mmoja kwa nafasi yake kuisaidia timu hiyo iweze kufikia malengo yake.
Awali katika risala ya timu hiyo iliyosomwa na katibu mkuu wa timu hiyo nasoro samata imeelezea matatizo na mafanikio ambayo timu imeweza kuyapata kuwa ni pamoja na kushinda michezo 19 kati ya 23 iliyocheza katika ligi hiyo tangu hatua ya wilaya hadi ubingwa wa mkoa na kutoa mfungaji bora mohamed mkingie aliyefunga mabao 8.
Matatizo ambayo timu imeweza kukumbuna nayo ni pamoja na kukimbiwa na wachezaji wake 5 na kocha kwenda timu ya dimon wakati wakiwa katika maandalizi ya ligi hiyo na tatizo la ukata wa fedha jambo ambalo baadaye lilitatuliwa na wafadhili mbalimbali kwa kuichangia timu.
Awali risala hiyo ilibainisha mikakati ya timu hiyo katika kujijenga kiuchumu kuwa ni pamoja na kutaka kuanzisha mradi wa kilimo kununua mashamba ya mpunga na mahindi na kulima mazao yatakayovunwa na kuuzwa kwa manufaa ya klabu hiyo pamoja na mradi wa biashara ya duka.
Hata hivyo pia uongozi wa timu hiyo umewashukuru wadau wote walioisaidia timu katika hali mbalimbali ya kifedha na kimawazo hadi kufikia hapo ilipo na kuwaomba wazidi kuwa nao bega kwa bega katika kipindi hiki wakijiandaa na ligi hiyo ya taifa ngazi ya kanda.
Kwa upande wake katibu mkuu wa chama cha soka mkoa wa morogoro aristo niktasi ameipongeza timu hiyo kwa kuibuka bingwa wa mkoa na kusisitiza kuwa hatua inayofuata ni ngumu na inahitaji mshikamano wa pamoja kati ya wachezaji. wadau wa soka, chama cha mpira mkoa na serikali kwa ujumla.
timu hiyo ya bukinafaso yenye wanachama 90 imeanzishwa rasmi mwaka 1985 ikiitwa ‘mafia united’ ikiwa na wanachama 60 kabla ya kubadili jina na kuitwa bukinafaso mwaka 1990 na imewahi kushiriki ligi ya taifa daraja la pili mara kadhaa katika maeneo mbalimbali ikiwemo mtwara 2002, itigi singida 2003 arusha mwaka 2004, tanga mwaka 2005 na pwani 2006 ilipotolewa na jkt ruvu.

Summer University 2009
A learning and exposure programme for young and dynamic journalists worldwide in co-operation with: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Caracas, Venezuela Catholic Bishops’ Conference and Archdiocese of Caracas
Proposed Theme: “Understanding Venezuela: A Decade of Political, Economic and Social Transformation”; Main venues: Caracas, Barquisimeto and Maracaibo; Dates: November-December 2009
Basics and Concept - Tentative Programme - Registration
A. Basics and Concept
Summer University is a highly sought-after formation programme, attracting journalists, publishers, professors of communication and other media professionals. The event enjoys the support of colleagues, friends, patrons, agencies and governments worldwide, who have helped us to offer this programme since 1988. The Summer University is designed for active and dynamic journalists under 40. During the two- to four-week programme, a maximum of 24 reporters from all parts of the world learn about a region that is foreign to them: its histories, peoples, cultures, religions and societies.
Summer University 2009 will be held in Venezuela; it will be the first time the event will be held in this nation. The event will open up its sessions and activities not only to its selected participants but also to the journalists from the neighbouring countries and regions. This initiative is with a view to enrich the stay of foreign journalists coming from other continents or from faraway parts of the Latin American continent. Thus it will combine the advantages of a regular seminar or refresher course together with those of the itinerant exposure courses.
Journalists in Venezuela have been preparing for this programme for several years and they want to reveal their nation to the whole world so that journalists and peoples worldwide will better understand their successes and struggles to build and maintain and ideal societies guaranteeing freedom and respect.
In these last decades, Venezuelans have lost to a great extent their freedom of expression. On the other hand, they have seen the influence of their President Hugo Chavez on other Latin American nations especially in challenging the position of USA with regard to the Americas.
Poverty is still the biggest issue as it blocks ways to almost all other avenues of development and interaction with one’s own people and the world.
An exposure to Venezuela therefore will be a great asset to journalists from all parts of the world and will enable them to better understand their own situations and to assist them to evaluate what is good and what is harmful. It will be a great learning experience for them to guide their own people to make right choices and healthy judgements especially in the domain of politics and economy.
Summer University 2009 will offer enriching lectures, exposures, travel and over a period of two full weeks. It will be the experience of a lifetime for participating journalists. It will be an occasion to bring together the opposing parties in Venezuela so that journalists and media experts can get a deeper knowledge of realities. It will give up-to-date, first-hand information to all who cherish responsible communication and work towards international development.
This event will provide a thorough and scientific analysis of recent history and current affairs so that journalists can rely on in-depth information to improve their work. Summer Universities worldwide over the past two decades have provided essential training for journalists. The increasing demand for such events around the globe and the relevance of the programmes have inspired many to join us in this unique effort for quality education.
An Event in line with UCIP’s and Church’s priorities and ideals
One of the top priorities of UCIP and the Church has been enhancing formation and education that leads to independence and poverty reduction. Besides, it is not simply enough to have any formation, but “quality formation and education” so that leaders and peoples can take healthy decisions.
Formation and education lead to democracy and rule of law, economic integration, prevention of conflict, gender parity and hence overall and integral development.
Such a quality formation is guaranteed through quality information and media. In our modern world, many international news diffusers have unfortunately made their job pure entertainment and propaganda for the owners of the media or their parties. Though a lot of information is available in many places, it is almost impossible to find the true information and the both sides of the reality. Besides, the sophistication of technology does not simplify the task.
Many serious- and internationally-minded experts believe: “Information, communication and knowledge are at the core of human progress and development.” The Summer University is based on the principle: “knowledge is liberation”. Therefore, for any development that has to last, quality of information and knowledge must come first. Without information and knowledge, there is no poverty reduction and participative democracy and without participative governance, there is no justice or peace.
Therefore the free flow of information and knowledge are essential elements for poverty reduction and ensuring people’s participation in societies. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right for the promotion and attainment of other civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights and press freedom is part of the agenda for a human rights-based approach to development.
The Summer University learning exposure will analyse the situation in Venezuela, Latin America and the Caribbean and will address the needs of these regions. The event will thus (a) promote an environment conducive to freedom of expression and freedom of information; (b) foster universal access to information; (c) promote the development of free, independent and pluralistic media; and (d) strengthen the role of communication and information in fostering mutual understanding especially in open and post-conflict areas and post-disaster situations.
Aims of the Programme
Every Summer University has its major general aims and specific aims. The general aims relate to the overall objectives of the programme on professional and world level. The specific aims depend upon the host region and events related to it.
Overall Aims:
Exposure to another country, region and continent: True understanding of a nation requires time and experience. Journalists need exposures to countries to understand its complexities and report objectively about it. The Summer University enables journalists to achieve a deeper understanding of a nation or continent, its society and history, culture, economic development, politics, media, ethics, and religions. This will allow participants to report on events in a way that sheds new light on the subject and frees them from dependence on international news agencies.
Building solidarity among media professionals: The Summer University is an opportunity to meet journalists from all over the world and build up a network of contacts. Young journalists from a mixture of backgrounds and countries can learn a lot from each other and such an encounter can be a great source of support and education. The contacts built up through the Summer University form an information network based on mutual respect regardless of difference. The Summer University is also a serious attempt to understand the world we live in and face the challenge of promoting responsible journalism.
A pioneer in education: The Summer University, with its intense curriculum and wide range of subjects, offers a more diverse and practical education than a formal university programme. Professor William Thorn’s lecture during the Summer University in Canada and USA was a distillation of the programme he runs for full-time students. During Summer University in India and Pakistan, Mrs Joytsna Chatterji’s lecture on Women summarised a course that would normally be spread over a whole term at the University of Delhi. Likewise, Professor Paul Roth gave an efficient overview of Communism in Europe.
Respectability to journalists worldwide: The Summer University also aims to lend respectability to journalists from developing nations who risk being dismissed as second-class citizens. Besides most of the educational programmes in the so called rich countries are shaped to keep up their on interests worldwide. Such educational system is corrupt, unjust and dehumanising. The Summer University brings together professionals from around the globe on an equal basis. It is a forum where they can swap experiences and opinions in a neutral climate, allowing them to understand the challenges faced by their colleagues. The event treats all participating journalists equally. By enabling journalists from developing nations to avoid the need to study at universities abroad, we hope to help these nations to improve their educational infrastructure.
Relying on the real instead of the virtual: Increasingly we live in a world shaped by technological advances. It is now possible for journalists to stay behind their desks and investigate entire stories using their telephone and the Internet. Gone is much of the incentive to travel to war zones and file stories from the field. But the colour, grit and immediacy of reportage are missing from stories written and researched in the office. It is impossible for a journalist to give an authentic account of a situation without experiencing it and talking to the people involved. Any report will benefit immeasurably from the journalists’ own impressions and first hand descriptions. The Summer University responds also to this requirement, giving a chance to journalists who may otherwise not get the opportunity to travel and learn more about a continent, which interests them professionally. It is the best way in which we can help them to answer the urgent need for responsible, well-informed journalism.
Specific Aims:
The specific aims of the event include: (1) Reduce and gradually eliminate poverty through the help of the media, (2) Offer ongoing formation to journalists so that they can take up these issues in their everyday exercise of the profession, (3) Promote democratisation of decision making on all levels, (4) Defend human rights, (5) Facilitate economic and fiscal development, (6) Explore the situation of justice, reconciliation, peace and participative democracy, (7) Promote peace and welfare education through media and communication initiatives, (8) Consecrate permanent space and time for peace, justice and reconciliation issues in print and electronic media, (9) Make leaders and other decision makers aware of the necessity of safeguarding peace and justice, (10) Encourage the young and the seniors to find new dynamics for bringing justice and peace, (11) Enable families so that they can contribute to healthy living by reducing consumerism into their everyday life, (12) Empower journalists in all parts of the world to take initiatives for maintaining peace and justice, (13) Undertake initiatives of justice and peace in all activities and performances, (14) Initiate and maintain permanent observatories and vigilances through reports, publications and broadcasts.
Main Themes
Journalists tackle all key themes to get a thorough knowledge of the major issues faced by their host nation and the surrounding region: (1) Society: culture, customs, taboos, minorities and ethnic groups, (2) Political Systems: Government, parliament and electoral system; Politics on a day-to-day basis; Democracy in the host countries and region; Recent developments; Impact and consequences of the political system, (3) Economy: Situation of the host nation and their neighbours; Efforts to compete in the international market, successes and failures; New trends and efforts to cope with globalisation; Aspirations of people in urban and rural settings; Opinions of local political and religious leaders, (4) Media: publishing, broadcasting, encounters with editors and journalists, media training, press freedom, censorship, the future of the press amidst growing concerns about widening gap between rich and poor, (5) Children: the situation of children, development projects, education and skills, (6) Religion: the influence of religion, (7) Human rights: Violations carried out at state or local level; Organisations working in these areas; What can be done to improve the situation?, (8) Refugees: Causes behind the migration of large numbers of people from their homes; consequences on society; politics and the refugees themselves, (9) History: A proper understanding of the background to a country always throws light on the current situation.
The Summer University will be beneficial on many levels. Here are a few of them: (1) It will make journalists and other media professionals aware of the most pressing issues in the host nation, (2) It will explore ongoing actions and future initiatives, (3) It can help prevent violence, (4) It can enable people share their welfare so that they may not engage in conflicts and wars, (5) The event will promote networking and co-operation among journalists and all other parties, (6) The Summer University can enlighten business, religious and political leaders on the necessity of greater equality and access to welfare in order to maintain peace, (7) It will make recommendations to media professionals and leaders worldwide.
The programme will focus on all major issues that affect peoples in Venezuela and the peoples of the nations that has embraced the political and economic philosophy of Venezuela. The event will also deal with people’s living situations, basic necessities, relationship with the other, family and society. All professionals and concerned individuals and parties will be invited to be part of the programme.
Candidates and Qualifications
Candidates are selected with the help of journalists and media professionals from various parts of the world. Qualifications: (1) Participants are required to be adaptable and keen to learn, (2) Professional journalist with solid experience; (3) Good knowledge of English, the working language of the programme; (4) Readiness to share the Summer University experience with fellow journalists in a spirit of friendship and equality; (5) Aged under 40. Other than in exceptional circumstances journalists who have already participated in a former Summer University cannot apply again.
Local Organisation
The organisers include media professionals, citizens, experts in various fields including culture, society, politics, economy and religion as well as state and religious authorities. Groups of organisers will be formed in the host countries.
B. Tentative Programme
November – December 2009: Exact dates will be sent to selected participants
Sub-themes, Speakers
- Political and institutional transition
- Charismatic figure of Hugo Chavez
- Role of opposition
- Chavez’s influence on Latin America
- Social panorama
- Role of armed forced: Militarization of society?
- Years of political and social polarisation
- Political Participation
- Role of the Church
- Human rights
- Political role of media in the national context
- Threats to freedom of expression
- Consolidation of State hegemony on media
Speakers on political social realities:
-Luis Ugalde, rector UCAB, political analyst
-José Virtuoso, director Centro Gumilla
-Luis Pedro España, director Proyecto Pobreza
-Ligia Bolívar, Centre for Human Rights
-Mireya Lozada, Institute of Social Psychology
-Rocío San Miguel, NGO Citizen Control
-John Magdaleno, political analyst
-Tulio Hernández, political analyst
-Elsa Cardozo, international analyst
-Luz Mely Reyes, co-ordinator daily Últimas Noticias
-Teodoro Petkoff, editor daily Tal Cual
-Ángel Lombardi, rector UNICA
-Omar Lugo, director daily El Mundo
-Nelson Freites, social investigator
-Jorge Urosa, Archbishop of Caracas
-Ubaldo Santana, Archbishop of Maracaibo
-Baltazar Porras, Archbishop of Mérida
Meetings with authorities:
-Jesse Chacón, Minister of Information and communication
-José Vicente Rangel, former vice-president of the Republic
-Andrés Izarra, president Telesur
-Antonio Ledezma, mayor of Caracas
-Carlos Ocariz, mayor of Sucre
-Jorge Rodríguez, mayor of Libertador
-Pablo Pérez, governor of Zulia
-Henri Falcón, governor of Lara
-Henrique Capriles, governor of Miranda
Speakers on media and journalism:
-William Echeverría, National College of Journalists
-David Natera, Venezuelan Union of the Press
-Marcelino Bisbal, director UCAB postgraduates
-Tiziana Polesel, director, School of Social Communication-UCAB
-Miguel Ángel Latouche, director, School of Social Communication -UCV
-Boris Muñoz, Review Exceso
-Marcos Hernández, ONG Journalists for Truth
-Helena Salcedo, Venezuela Natioval Radio
-William Castillo, TVES
-Carlos Correa, ONG Public Space
-Javier Conde, journalist, daily El Nacional
-Pedro Pablo Peñaloza, journalist, daily El Universal
-Elizabeth Safar, ININCO-UCV
-Carlos Ayala, former president of Inter-American Commission of Human Rights
-MediaVisits: Diario El Nacional, RCTV, Globovisión, etc
C. Registration Form
1. Personal Information
a) Names as in the passport:
b) Date, Month and Year of Birth:
c) Sex:
d) Place of birth:
e) Country of residence:
f) Nationality/ies:
g) Religion, Denomination:
h) Passport number:
i) Place of issue:
j) Date of issue:
k) Date of expiration:
l) Issuing authority:
m) Type of passport (Ordinary, Diplomatic, Etc):
n) Complete address:
o) Telephone:
p) Fax:
q) E-mail:
r) Educational and other qualifications:
s) Professional background, award/s won:
t) Present profession:
u) Where do you work? :
v) Names and addresses of two reference persons:
w) Other relevant information:
2. Payment:
[ ] Registration is Euro 400.- per person
[ ] Enclosed please find a bank cheque (please add Euro 9 for bank charges)
[ ] Please charge the sum to my credit card
[ ] Visa, [ ] Euro/Master Card, [ ] American Express
(Credit card charges will be made in Swiss francs or US dollars with plus 7% for charges)
Credit card number:
Card Holder’s Name:
Security number in the signature field:
Expires (date):
Please send this form to UCIP, CP 197, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. E-mail: <helo@ucip.ch>. Fax: 41.22.734.0053.
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