Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Mkurugenzi wa shirika lisilo la kiserikali la Delo Itt, Joe Eshun akikata utepe muda mfupi kabla ya kulikabidhi gari mpya aina ya Land Cruiser lanye namba ya usajili DFP 5840 kwa uongozi wa Hospitali ya mkoa wa Morogoro ambalo ni msaada kwa ajili ya matumizi ya kwa kitengo kinachoshughuli maswala ya ugonjwa wa Ukimwa lenye thamani ya sh mil 47,000 katika hafla iliyofanyika kwa ofisi ya mkuu wa mkoa.
Picha ya juu makabidhiano ya funguo za gari lenyewe,halahala sasa tusije kukuta gari linapiga dili au usiku kulikuta Bar...lifanye kazi iliyokusudiwa.
Picha na mdau wa blog hii Juma Mtanda aka shemeji.

Monday, September 28, 2009


A reflection from Religious Superiors Conference of Kenya Chairman

To all concerned and particularly those who are attending the Synod for Africa 2009......

The framework of Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation constitutes an inclusive paradigm within which issues of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation need to be situated and addressed by the forthcoming Synod for Africa.

This paradigm corresponds most favorably with the far reaching changes that are taking place in missionary strategy today.

Apart from the move from individual conversion to cultural conversion, there is also a thrust forward towards reconciliation as an inseparable dimension of evangelization. There is an indispensable need for reconciliation if genuine development of peoples is to take place. To engage in evangelization without addressing conflict resolution and reconciliation, both in theory and practice may well be inconsistent and contradictory.

While not dispensing with the sources and impacts of violent conflict arising from political-governance in Africa, a large part of the continent and its peoples are perennially ensnared in inter-ethnic conflicts between pastoral communities over a variety of issues, ranging from scarcity of environmental resources, cultural variation, state neglect, contested use of territory and the proliferation of small arms, etc. Concerning the Church’s involvement in evangelization on the African Continent, there is an urgent need for all evangelizers and humanitarian workers to become conscious of and, where possible, help to resolve the underlying issues or root causes of conflict.

To be involved in evangelization and humanitarian-development work without seeking to understand the root causes of conflict and to acquire the skills and techniques to resolve them will never yield true peace. This is especially true where some people are being killed and many others maimed and displaced on a daily basis, while catechetical, programmes, schools, hospitals and churches are being made inoperable. We may well ask how can the Gospel and its values (liberation, justice, peace, integrity of creation, development) take root in such situations? Will the people ever be able to live a "normal" life? Therefore, as well as the Synod for Africa addressing issues such as Evangelization, Development, Justice and Peace, there is a vital need to name and emphasize the critical importance of the Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation paradigm.

Otherwise the struggle to cultivate a society founded on Gospel values and aspirations will not succeed. These themes are not only mutually complementary but without their inclusive integration there seems to be a fundamental flaw in the approach and vision of the Church’s mission in Africa.

There is a need to develop institutes of formation, beyond the parish structure, to be educational centers of Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies. This requirement entails the professional training of people (Religious and Laity) with the qualifications and competencies necessary to transform conflict situations to be environments of true peace and reconciliation.

Fr. Patrick R. Devine SMA

Monday, September 21, 2009


Hiki kiwanja fulani by then watumwa walikuwa wakiteswa na kusubiri kusafirishwa angalia vizuri picha juu...

Hii mitaa fulani mkoa wa mjini magharibi huku wenzetu wao wana chai Maharage yaani badala ya sisi huku bara kusema Daladala,vifodi nk.....wao husema huvyo!!!Habari ndiyo hiyooooooooo!!!


insside the plane au tuseme hapa ndiyo kwa dereva mwenyewe aka Rubani

Fr Richard Kimbwi a director of Communication Department - DIocese of Tanga naye alikuwepo.........

Fr Nitunga safari ya Zanzibar starting..........


Saturday, September 12, 2009


Hapa ni kanisani Fr Kimbwi anagong'oli kinanda
Ilikuwa ni kutafuta pozi tu then pwaaa!!!!!

Ni furaha isiyo kifani Sio Harusi hapa bali wamepata Komunio ya kwanza aka Ekaristi ya kwanza kama hujui...
Picha kwa Hisani ya ofisi ya Jimbo Tanga- Idara ya Mawasiliano


Hey!!go started to sing here Tangu iliposikika............
Sio anapima ramani ya Barabara No!anapiga picha za video hapa Azalia
Azalia Lucas Mwimbe.

Fr Richard Kimbwi mbali ya mambo ya kuchunga wanakondoo wa
Bwana hapa anaonekana naye yupo kazini katika upigaji wa picha

Upigaji wa picha za video katika wimbo wa "Albino Tunauawa"Hapa ilikuwa katika kutafuta Location maeneo ambayo ni karibu na Mapango ya Amboni au AMBONI CAVES!hii ndiyo ya Huruma Production hapa nilikuwa nadirect hii Video..soon itakuwa hewani katika vituo mbalimbali vya Tv nchini na nje ya Nchi...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

International Refresher Seminar onJournalism for Coexistence, Reconciliation and Welfare

Exploring fundamentals and ideals, Analysing initiatives and models, Proposing solutions and alternatives

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 15 - 20 November 2009

For Registration: Please write to <>

International Refresher Programme is one of the most popular programmes of continued formation among journalists, publishers and professors of communication. Such programmes worldwide have been attracting hundreds of journalists in all parts of the world and have been organised since 1991 on various continents and the demand for organising them are on the increase. The originality and exceptional nature of the event have always brought more journalists than expected.

The idea of the Refresher Programme is to give up-to-date, first-hand information to all who cherish responsible communication and work towards international development. It will provide a thorough and scientific analysis of recent history and current affairs so that journalists can rely on in-depth information to improve their work.
Refresher Programmes worldwide over past two decades have provided essential training for journalists. The increasing demand for such events around the globe and the relevance of the programmes has inspired many to join us.

As the event has been conceived and realised in many parts of the world, Africa has been given a priority and several Pan African Refresher Programmes have been organised with great success and there is a great demand to organise more of them on African continent.

The event we prepare for October 2009 in Ethiopia has several significances. It will be the first time we will organise such an event in Ethiopia that hosts the African Union. It will be an occasion to give this event a direct co-operation with the African Union so that journalists and media experts can get a deeper knowledge of realities.
In spite of international and continental initiatives for the last several decades, African nations are still to stand on their own feet.

Many journalists believe that external pressure is still the worst evil on the continent in addition to eternal dependence in all domains: economy, agriculture, culture, health and aid. And the only way for Africa’s bright future is to be on its own and to be able to think, say and act on its own.

And the greatest responsibility to achieve this aim rests on journalists and media experts who have to take the “mother of all messages” to leaders and peoples, owners and workers, teachers and pupils, professionals and intellectuals, men and women, and children and adults.

In these last years and decades, several African nations have embraced market liberalisation in different ways but the results of this market-based economy are the same: bigger gap between the rich and the poor, greater consumerism, destruction of environment, lack of quality of life, depreciation of local goods, standardisation to global market, services and goods, and transfer of capital to other nations. And finally fighting, killings, and permanent unrest, conflicts and wars.

And journalists hold the supreme responsibility and possibility to illuminate and to enlighten nations and their leaders to avoid this subhuman existence. And the theme of this refresher programme “Journalism for Co-existence, Reconciliation and Welfare” has been chosen in order to facilitate these debates and to bring out solid recommendations.
An Event in line with priorities and ideals

One of the top priorities in these times has been enhancing formation and education that leads to independence and poverty reduction. Besides, it is not simply enough to have any formation, but “quality formation and education” so that leaders and peoples can take healthy decisions.
Formation and education lead to democracy and rule of law, economic integration, prevention of conflict, gender parity and hence overall and integral development.

Such a quality formation is guaranteed through quality information and media. In our modern world, many international news diffusers have unfortunately made their job pure entertainment and propaganda for the owners of the media or their parties. Though a lot of information is available in many places, it is almost impossible to find the true information and the both sides of the reality and the sophistication of technology does not simplify the task.

Many serious- and internationally-minded experts believe: “Information, communication and knowledge are at the core of human progress and development.” The Refresher Seminar will enlighten: “knowledge is liberation”. Therefore, for any development that has to last, quality of information and knowledge must come first. Without information and knowledge, there is no poverty reduction and participative democracy and without participative governance, there is no justice or peace.

Therefore the free flow of information and knowledge are essential elements for poverty reduction and ensuring people’s participation in societies. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right for the promotion and attainment of other civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights and press freedom is part of the agenda for a human rights-based approach to development.

The Refresher Seminar will analyse the situation in Africa and will address the needs of Africa. The event will thus (a) promote an environment conducive to freedom of expression and freedom of information; (b) foster universal access to information; (c) promote the development of free, independent and pluralistic media; and (d) strengthen the role of communication and information in fostering mutual understanding especially in open and post-conflict areas and post-disaster situations.

Each Refresher Programme is conceived taking into consideration the local and international realities. The following are a few general aims:

In spite of sea-changes in the field of governments and society, threat to freedom of expression is growing day after day. The freedoms of the press and religion have been in greater danger due to growing economies and widening gap between the rich and the poor. Such serious threats to the basic freedoms and a series of conflicts and wars have destroyed peace and development. The programme will make a comprehensive analysis of the situation.

Absence of such freedoms also denies men and women the basic right to choose according to his or her conviction and hence contribute to the integral development and lasting peace. Refresher Programme is a serious attempt to safeguard freedom in view of stability and growth.

One of the main objectives of all Refresher Programmes is to improve the quality in reporting. In a world where inequality and intolerance continue to make heavy inroads, journalists are aware of the need to develop an ethics and information diffusion system founded on values of solidarity, sharing, equality and dignity of every individual.

The Refresher Programme is exceptionally conceived taking into consideration the needs of professional, active and dynamic journalists who want to serve their people in an international context in view of their integral development.

As most of the journalists have a basic training in journalism, what we envisage through this one-week International Refresher Programme is an analysis of subjects like freedom of information, ethics in journalism, conflicts in the field of the media, political systems and so on with the help of experts, and taking into consideration the present day exigencies. Such an educative analysis is a lot more important to a professional journalist who has been accomplishing his/her noble profession for a few years already.

Such a "training of oneself through the analysis of present-day realities" will help the active information diffusers to have sufficient and balanced understanding of international affairs, their impact on nations and peoples, and their significance in the profession of the journalist.

As the programme will bring together professionals from different walks of life, the event will give first-hand information on different peoples by the journalists hailing from the same group of people.

This way of understanding realities is more fruitful and meaningful for a professional to report or comment on an event than relying on the lucrative and often biased international news agencies.

Refresher Programme is an occasion to reinforce solidarity and friendship among journalists. Solidarity and friendship leads to initiatives of mutual co-operation and development, exchange and learning, encouragement and support, thus finding the real meaning of one's own professional and personal life.

Such professional and personal contacts guarantee an ideal information network based on mutual respect irrespective of all difference, lead to goals of equal development, and respect the dignity of all.

The Refresher Programme is also a serious attempt to understand the contemporary society and to study profoundly the challenge of value-oriented journalism in the modern society. The one-week Refresher Programme will discuss the issues in the region in view of peace and development. It will be also an exceptional opportunity for dialogue between media professionals, state and religious leaders.

The specific aims of the event include:
Reduce and gradually eliminate poverty through the help of the media
Offer ongoing formation to journalists so that they can take up these issues in their everyday exercise of the profession
Promote democratisation of decision making on all levels
Defend human rights
Facilitate economic and fiscal development
Explore the situation of justice, reconciliation, peace and participative democracy
Promote peace and welfare education through media and communication initiatives
Consecrate permanent space and time for peace, justice and reconciliation issues in print and electronic media

Make leaders and other decision makers aware of the necessity of safeguarding peace and justice.

Encourage young people to find new dynamics for bringing justice and peace
Enable families so that they can contribute to healthy living by reducing consumerism into their everyday life

Empower journalists in all parts of the world to take initiatives for maintaining peace and justice
Undertake initiatives of justice and peace in all activities and performances.
Initiate and maintain permanent observatories and vigilances through reports, publications and broadcasts.

The study days are consecrated to explore the theme and its sub-themes with experienced speakers, resource persons and working groups. Keynote speakers are experienced journalists and experts from all walks of life.

Working groups meet during the study days to explore the theme from precise geographical and concrete professional levels. Selected exposures during the refresher week give the participants, resource parsons and organisers to get a touch with reality and first hand knowledge.

The refresher is also conceived to develop strong ties among its participants this allowing them to build their own networks for future and to become competent.

The Refresher Seminar will be beneficial on many levels. Here are a few of them:
It will make journalists and other media professionals aware of the most pressing issues such as poverty and its consequences on good governance.
It will explore ongoing actions and future initiatives.
It can help prevent violence.

It can enable people share their welfare so that they may not engage in conflicts and wars.
The event will promote networking and co-operation among journalists and all other parties.

The Refresher Seminar can enlighten business, religious and political leaders on the necessity of greater equality and access to welfare in order to maintain peace.
It will make recommendations to media professionals and leaders worldwide.

The programme will focus on all major issues that affect peoples of Africa in general. The event will also deal with people’s living situations, basic necessities, relationship with the other, family and society. All professionals and concerned individuals and parties will be invited to be part of the programme.

For Registration: Please write to <>
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Guees!!!!!!!Hawa kina nani.........?????kukusaidia wote ni maRPC so tell me wa wapi na majina yao..

Monday, September 7, 2009


Mtoto Laila Ramadhani mkazi wa Mafisa kwa Mambi katika Manispaaa yaMorogoro akiendesha baiskeli huku akiwa amewapakiza watoto wenzake!!!!Mhhh usafiri huu ni hatari wadau wanauita usafiri wa mishikaki,mhhh over loaded hasa waendesha pikipiki wanajua ni maana ya mishikaki.


Mbunge wa jimbo la Morogoro Kusini Mashariki Sameer Lotto akiwa chini ya ulinzi wa askari polisi akielekea katika ofisi za Upelelezi kuhojiwa wilaya mkoani hapa baada ya kutuhumiwa kumpiga mfanyakazi wa Mamlaka ya Maji Safi na Maji Taka mkoa wa Morogoro (MOROWASA), Michael Mapunda (HAYUPO PICHANI) wakati mfanyakazi huyo alipokwenda kukata huduma ya maji.Mhhhh hii inakuwaje mheshimiwa tena naye kutenda hili???why????Hya lakini iwe fundisho hata kwa wazee wengine wa kule mjengoni....

Picha na mdau wa blog hii Juma Mtanda kule mji kasoro Bahari Morogoro.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Urgent Warning to All MTN, VODACOM, TIGO AND ZAIN Users .

If you receive a phone call on your mobile from any person, saying that, he or she is a company Engineer or saying that they’re checking your mobile line and you have to press # 90 or #09 or any other number.End this call immediately without pressing any numbers .

There is a fraud company using a device that once you press # 90 or # 09 they can access your “SIM” card and make calls at your expense.
Again if you receive a phone call and your mobile phone displays (XALAN) on the screen Don’t answer the call, END THE CALL IMMEDIATELY , if you answer the call, your phone Will be infected with a virus.

The virus will erase all IMEI and IMSI info rmation from both your phone and your SIM card, which will make your phone unable to connect with the telephone networks. You will have to buy buy a new phone. This info rmation has been confirmed by manufactures of Motorola and Nokia Phones.


Zaina Malogo - Mwandishi wa Habari Gazeti la Mwananchi hapa i think News Room si etii eehh!!

"Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were to go through our life without any obstacles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets." this my words to you

Friday, September 4, 2009


Mitaa ya Mazimbu nje kidogo ya mji wa Morogoro hapa ishu ni "UHABA WA MAJI"kama unavyoona foleni za ndoo.......mhhh hii mpaka lini wakati mkoa una vyanzo vya vizuri kabisa Mamlaka ya maji changamoto kwenu MORUWASA Mpoooooo!!!!!
Tende Halua Halua!!!!katika kipindi hiki cha mwezi mtukufu wa Ramadhani ni dili hasa coz ndugu zetu huzipenda wakati wa kufuturu!!!hapa huyu binti anasubiri wateja
Picha na Juma Mtanda - Morogoro.

Mkuu wa Majeshi nchini Jenerali Davis Mwamunyange

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Basi la Scanlink lililopata ajari mkoani Morogoro na kuua watu wanane
Kamanda wa Polisi mkoa wa Morogoro Thobias Andengenye

Basi la Al - Hushum ambalo likigongana na Basi la kuua watu kadhaa
Picha na mdau wangu wa Blog hii Juma Mtanda aliyeko Mkoani Morogoro

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

ah!!sio kama mshikaji ameoa wake wawili hapana bali hapa walikuwa wamepata sakramenti ya kwanza katika kanisa kuu la Mt Anton wa Padua Chumbageni Tanga,so msela amemla yesu sio vipi his name Richard Chuvaka with Veronika and Sippi..hongereni saaaanaaa sasa sasa jitahidini kipaimara then ndoa if God wishes...wish you luck....
lEONARD MALLOGO - Mshikaji yupo Univesity of Dar es Salam - SJMC School of Jornalism and Mass Communication anafanya BA yake ya Mass Communication,this during field att TDMCL.