Thursday, July 16, 2009


Silence is a splendid gift. By silence, I mean the atmosphere of quiet and meditation that helps us to attain a sincere conversion of the heart.
In our modern world, a welter of noise fills the streets, places of work and even our home.
I would however make distinction between two types of noise.
The first type is external noise. Noise from outside ourselves, which can take many forms, vehicles, music, the welcome voice of people and many other exterior sounds of that sort. But even this noise can become overwhelming. If it interferes with our inner life, we may be in need of returning to the schools of silence.
The second type of noise is internal noise and this is the one of the major causes of conflicts in Africa as we were told by Mr.Katunga John is last completed AMECEA Youth workshop.
A person may be torn by inner chaos and division. At the root of it, there is often some kind of frustration, to which we may have contributed. I therefore urge every body to curb whatever might undermine the spiritual health of our fellow clerics to such a grave state.
I feel that we need to rethink and meditate on the wise saying of Socrates that "Unmeditated life is not worth living". On what Arthur Graf says, "We must be silent, if we want to hear the singing of our hearts."
In our struggle to foster peace , justice and reconciliation in our respective places, if we don not create time for silence, there are bound to time when we shall have to retrace our steps , to plead that they allow us to undo what we have done. We shall indeed cry over split milk. Ant that will not improve the image people have of us as leaders.
Silence will help us to understand ourselves better so that we can sturdy and understand others in the struggle to resolve conflicts.
I know this may not be easy, but give it atry and you will see the fruits.
Special thanx also from friend of mine Jean - marie from Uganda

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