Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009

F A M I L YI ran into a stranger as he passed by,"Oh excuse me please" was my reply.He said, "Please excuse me too;I wasn't watching for you.
"We were very polite, this stranger and I.We went on our way and we said goodbye.But at home a different story is told,How we treat our loved ones, young and old.Later that day, cooking the evening meal,My son stood beside me very still.
When I turned, I nearly knocked him down."Move out of the way," I said with a frown.He walked away, his little heart broken.I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.
While I lay awake in bed,God's still small voice came to me and said,"While dealing with a stranger,common courtesy you use,but the family you love, you seem to abuse.Go and look on the kitchen floor,You'll find some flowers there by the door.Those are the flowers he brought for you.He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue.
He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes."By this time, I felt very small,And now my tears began to fall.I quietly went and knelt by his bed;"Wake up, little one, wake up," I said."Are these the flowers you picked for me?"He smiled, "I found 'em, out by the tree.I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.
I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue."I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today;I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay.I love you anyway."I said, "Son, I love you too,and I do like the flowers, especially the blue.
"FAMILYAre you aware that if we died tomorrow, the companythat we are working for could easily replace us ina matter of days.But the family we left behind will feel the lossfor the rest of their lives.
And come to think of it, we pour ourselves moreinto work than into our own family,an unwise investment indeed,don't you think?So what is behind the story?
Do you know what the word FAMILY means?
MADIWANI wa Manispaa ya Arusha, wawacharukia watendaji wa halmashauri hiyo, kwa kutoa hati za kiwanja cha chama cha wakulima na wafugaji
TASO kanda ya kaskazini mara mbili na kuunda tume ili kumbaini aliyehusika na ufisadi huo.
Hayo wameyasema wakati wa kikao cha mwisho cha baraza la madiwanikatika mwaka wa serikali, kilichofanyika ukumbi wa manispaa ya ArushaWamesema kuwa inasikitisha kuona hati inatolewa mara mbili kwa mmiliki mmoja huyo huyo na manispaa ni hiyo hiyo.
SHIRIKA la Afya Duniani WHO limeiteua hospitali teule ya St.Francis wilayani Kilombero mkoani Morogoro kuwa kituo cha ushirikiano na shirika hilo nchini .
Kwa mujibu wa Kaimu mganga mkuu wa Hospitali hiyo Dk.Anthony Magoda WHO imeiteua hospitali hiyo kuwa kituo chake cha ushirikiano nakuwa ushirikiano utakao husishwa zaidi ni ule wa mafunzo kazini,elimu ya Afya na upasuaji wa dharura.
Dk.Magoda amesema kuwa nafasi hiyo iliyoshindanishwa na hospitali nyingine Nane duniani itaifanya hospitali hiyo kufahamika na kupata mara kwa mara wataalamu wa kimataifa katika tiba za binadamu kupitia mtandao wa shirika hilo WHO.
NA....Serikali ya Yemen imesema wanajeshi wake wamewaua wapiganaji 100 wa kundi la waasi linaloongozwa na kiongozi wa Kishia nchini humo, Abdul Malik al- Houti.
Makamanda wawili wa kundi hilo pia wanasemekana ni miongoni mwa watu waliouawa.
Hata hivyo msemaji wa kundi hilo la waasi amekanusha madai hayo ya serikali.
Tangu mapema Agosti, vikosi vya kijeshi vya Yemen vimekuwa vikipambana vikali na waasi hao , wenye makao yao kaskazini mwa Yemen.
Source Newsroom - Radio Huruma Fm.
MADIWANI wa Manispaa ya Arusha, wawacharukia watendaji wa halmashauri hiyo, kwa kutoa hati za kiwanja cha chama cha wakulima na wafugaji
TASO kanda ya kaskazini mara mbili na kuunda tume ili kumbaini aliyehusika na ufisadi huo.
Hayo wameyasema wakati wa kikao cha mwisho cha baraza la madiwanikatika mwaka wa serikali, kilichofanyika ukumbi wa manispaa ya ArushaWamesema kuwa inasikitisha kuona hati inatolewa mara mbili kwa mmiliki mmoja huyo huyo na manispaa ni hiyo hiyo.
SHIRIKA la Afya Duniani WHO limeiteua hospitali teule ya St.Francis wilayani Kilombero mkoani Morogoro kuwa kituo cha ushirikiano na shirika hilo nchini .
Kwa mujibu wa Kaimu mganga mkuu wa Hospitali hiyo Dk.Anthony Magoda WHO imeiteua hospitali hiyo kuwa kituo chake cha ushirikiano nakuwa ushirikiano utakao husishwa zaidi ni ule wa mafunzo kazini,elimu ya Afya na upasuaji wa dharura.
Dk.Magoda amesema kuwa nafasi hiyo iliyoshindanishwa na hospitali nyingine Nane duniani itaifanya hospitali hiyo kufahamika na kupata mara kwa mara wataalamu wa kimataifa katika tiba za binadamu kupitia mtandao wa shirika hilo WHO.
NA....Serikali ya Yemen imesema wanajeshi wake wamewaua wapiganaji 100 wa kundi la waasi linaloongozwa na kiongozi wa Kishia nchini humo, Abdul Malik al- Houti.
Makamanda wawili wa kundi hilo pia wanasemekana ni miongoni mwa watu waliouawa.
Hata hivyo msemaji wa kundi hilo la waasi amekanusha madai hayo ya serikali.
Tangu mapema Agosti, vikosi vya kijeshi vya Yemen vimekuwa vikipambana vikali na waasi hao , wenye makao yao kaskazini mwa Yemen.
Source Newsroom - Radio Huruma Fm.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
About Friendship!
Friendship is a hearty bonding between two people one who can trust and one who van understand. Friendship is trust that someone will not harm us. Its a relationship which involves love,care and affection. Friends love each other's company. Friendship is considered to be closest among all the personal relations. Generally friends share common interests and the one who shares the closest bonding is called best friend,sometimes this best friend becomes soulmate. Not only companions but sometimes parents also become good friends. People sometimes share love and affection with such people,whom they have not met,via postal system. Friendship also takes place over internet and are called net friends. Friends are the aroma of life,the sole motivator who never let's one down and friendship is the stimulator of life. Friendship is the music of life and when one goes out of tune friends provide the melody and the music continues.
A true friend always holds one's hand at the time of need but a true friend holds the more tight when one wants to be alone. A true friend always assures to be by the side how much bad times it be.
Asante sana!!!
Friendship is a hearty bonding between two people one who can trust and one who van understand. Friendship is trust that someone will not harm us. Its a relationship which involves love,care and affection. Friends love each other's company. Friendship is considered to be closest among all the personal relations. Generally friends share common interests and the one who shares the closest bonding is called best friend,sometimes this best friend becomes soulmate. Not only companions but sometimes parents also become good friends. People sometimes share love and affection with such people,whom they have not met,via postal system. Friendship also takes place over internet and are called net friends. Friends are the aroma of life,the sole motivator who never let's one down and friendship is the stimulator of life. Friendship is the music of life and when one goes out of tune friends provide the melody and the music continues.
A true friend always holds one's hand at the time of need but a true friend holds the more tight when one wants to be alone. A true friend always assures to be by the side how much bad times it be.
Asante sana!!!
Can you escape from this situation..................
by the way its not laziness, here is the reason; ......... For a couple of years many Africans have been blaming it on lack of sleep, too much pressure from job, poor blood circulation, but now the real reason has been found: We're tired because we're overworked. Here's why: 1. The population of Africa is 800 million: 200 million are retired. That leaves 600 million. 2. There are 200 million in school, which leaves 400 million to do the work. 3. Of this, there are 100 million employed by the government. Leaving 300 million to do the work. 4. 50 Million are in the armed forces & related jobs; which leaves 250 million to do the work. 5. Take from the total the 150 million people unemployed. And that leaves 100 million to do the work. 6. At any given time there are 50 Million people in hospitals. Leaving 50 Million to do the work. 7. There are 20 Million people in prisons. Leaving 30 million to do the work. 8. 1 Million are Chiefs, Kings, Queens, Presidents, Ministers, pastors, Voodoo or Juju Masters. Leaving 29Million to do the work. 9. Now, 28,999,998 Africans are out of Africa . In Europe, USA , Asia etc. That leaves just 2 people to do all the work. THESE TWO PEOPLE ARE You and me... .........but you're sitting there on your chair, at your computer, reading these useless mails instead of working..... ....... That leaves one person, only me, to do all the work.... WILL YU PLS CLOSE THIS WINDOW N’ GET BACK 2 WORK !!!!!!!!! !!!!
Can you escape from this situation..................
by the way its not laziness, here is the reason; ......... For a couple of years many Africans have been blaming it on lack of sleep, too much pressure from job, poor blood circulation, but now the real reason has been found: We're tired because we're overworked. Here's why: 1. The population of Africa is 800 million: 200 million are retired. That leaves 600 million. 2. There are 200 million in school, which leaves 400 million to do the work. 3. Of this, there are 100 million employed by the government. Leaving 300 million to do the work. 4. 50 Million are in the armed forces & related jobs; which leaves 250 million to do the work. 5. Take from the total the 150 million people unemployed. And that leaves 100 million to do the work. 6. At any given time there are 50 Million people in hospitals. Leaving 50 Million to do the work. 7. There are 20 Million people in prisons. Leaving 30 million to do the work. 8. 1 Million are Chiefs, Kings, Queens, Presidents, Ministers, pastors, Voodoo or Juju Masters. Leaving 29Million to do the work. 9. Now, 28,999,998 Africans are out of Africa . In Europe, USA , Asia etc. That leaves just 2 people to do all the work. THESE TWO PEOPLE ARE You and me... .........but you're sitting there on your chair, at your computer, reading these useless mails instead of working..... ....... That leaves one person, only me, to do all the work.... WILL YU PLS CLOSE THIS WINDOW N’ GET BACK 2 WORK !!!!!!!!! !!!!

Radio Huruma,Tanga Diocese Multimedia Company LTD (TDMCL) Box 1108 Tanga, Fax: 027-2643548, Phone: Office Hours 027-2645999, Mobile +255 784 469 051, +255 784 680 686, E-mail radiohuruma@gmail.com - Chumbageni - Pwani House.
P.O. BOX 1108,
The Radio was officially opened on the 24th December 2007
The Radio Huruma Broadcasts in FM BAND 103.6 MHz
The Radio Huruma studio is at the Cathedral Church of Tanga, Chumbageni near the road to Mombassa Kenya.
The broadcasting house is called Pwani House.
The main transmitting tower is situated at Mkanyageni village near Muheza, it is about 25KM form the Main studio.
The main objective of Radio Huruma (RH) is to sensitize the people of Tanga Region on issues of Development and spread the word of God. The TBC Taifa before known as (Radio Tanzania Dar Es Salaam), highlights national issues. It is only once in a while that there is mention of Tanga community interests. With this deficit in mind, the Catholic Diocese of Tanga proposed to set up a Radio Station which will mainly focus on Tanga day to day activities and promote the social and economic well-being.
Radio Huruma always seeks to educate, inform, entertain and inspire the community in matters that promote peace, love and justice and while at the same impart the knowledge of God. And in so doing, complement the government in its effort to combat social evil and moral digression.
Radio Huruma strives in establishing a credible society with good conduct where the law is upheld.
Radio Huruma always aims at enhancing development by alleviating the shortcomings entailed in the fields of health, education, social services, justice, peace, care of the environment, natural resource, management, globalization ‘utandawazi’.
Radio Huruma helps the church, Catholic Diocese of Tanga, to fulfil its goal on providing service to the people of Tanga and Tanzania at large.
1. TANGA Region
- Muheza district (all areas)
- Pangani district (all areas)
- Handeni district (all areas)
- Korogwe district (all areas)
- Mkinga district (all areas)
- Kilindi district (all areas)
- Lushoto district (some areas because of the geographical situation where Lushoto is a mountainous area).
2. Island of Pemba (all areas) pemba is very near to Tanga
3. Zanzibar (some areas)
4. Mombassa Kenya
5. Dar Es Salaam ( some areas found in the high land, especially outside the town)
6. Bagamoyo ( some areas)
7. Morogoro ( Kilosa, Mzinga the boarder of Morogoro and Dodoma, Kibaigwa)
8. Kibaha (some areas)
9. Kilimanjaro (some areas)Manyara (some areas)
P.O. BOX 1108,
The Radio was officially opened on the 24th December 2007
The Radio Huruma Broadcasts in FM BAND 103.6 MHz
The Radio Huruma studio is at the Cathedral Church of Tanga, Chumbageni near the road to Mombassa Kenya.
The broadcasting house is called Pwani House.
The main transmitting tower is situated at Mkanyageni village near Muheza, it is about 25KM form the Main studio.
The main objective of Radio Huruma (RH) is to sensitize the people of Tanga Region on issues of Development and spread the word of God. The TBC Taifa before known as (Radio Tanzania Dar Es Salaam), highlights national issues. It is only once in a while that there is mention of Tanga community interests. With this deficit in mind, the Catholic Diocese of Tanga proposed to set up a Radio Station which will mainly focus on Tanga day to day activities and promote the social and economic well-being.
Radio Huruma always seeks to educate, inform, entertain and inspire the community in matters that promote peace, love and justice and while at the same impart the knowledge of God. And in so doing, complement the government in its effort to combat social evil and moral digression.
Radio Huruma strives in establishing a credible society with good conduct where the law is upheld.
Radio Huruma always aims at enhancing development by alleviating the shortcomings entailed in the fields of health, education, social services, justice, peace, care of the environment, natural resource, management, globalization ‘utandawazi’.
Radio Huruma helps the church, Catholic Diocese of Tanga, to fulfil its goal on providing service to the people of Tanga and Tanzania at large.
1. TANGA Region
- Muheza district (all areas)
- Pangani district (all areas)
- Handeni district (all areas)
- Korogwe district (all areas)
- Mkinga district (all areas)
- Kilindi district (all areas)
- Lushoto district (some areas because of the geographical situation where Lushoto is a mountainous area).
2. Island of Pemba (all areas) pemba is very near to Tanga
3. Zanzibar (some areas)
4. Mombassa Kenya
5. Dar Es Salaam ( some areas found in the high land, especially outside the town)
6. Bagamoyo ( some areas)
7. Morogoro ( Kilosa, Mzinga the boarder of Morogoro and Dodoma, Kibaigwa)
8. Kibaha (some areas)
9. Kilimanjaro (some areas)Manyara (some areas)
Anything dont hesitate to ask through Program/Station Manager
cellphone +255 713 318561
email - rasodo56@gmail.com
True story:Utafanya nini kama umeitwa 2solve this!!!
One Friday morning, John woke up hurriedly and prepared for work.
He worked in a busyinstitution and was expected early at work. His wife,Jane worked a distance fromwhere her husband's office was.
As a result of doingthings in a hurry, John unknowingly, carried his wife'smobile phone leavingbehind his own.
After he had gone, his wife Jane noticed the mix-up but it was too late for her to do anything about it. She thought for a while and decided to carry her husband's phone in case he came back forit.
On arriving at his placeof work John noticed that he had confused his wife's phone for his but decided not to go back for it. He sighed deeply because he knew his wife could access romantic messages sent by his manymistresses. His wife too was disgusted because she had several toy boys.
Drama began to unfold when John received an SMS intended for his wife sent by somebody saved as 'Omari-Taxi', which read, "Vp mambo mtoto, 4 me am okay just mad! waniua-ua, kipenzi. siliii wala silali!.. usiku kucha nakuota wewe, mwenye password ya moyo wang." John was shocked to see this and thought he understood why his wife had come home latethe previous evening. Akaamua kuuchuna, to seewhat more would come.
After one hour he receivedanother SMS from somebody saved as 'Mwanjaa-Salon'which read, "Sasa, laaziz, kpande cha mzizi! natumai uko pouwa!..mi pia, ila bla ya kukutiamachoni..kaaz kwl kwl!. Nice day sweetie, see you at lunch."
Hunger strike! The third SMS tricked in from somebody saved as 'Winnie-boutique which read, "Monin ma beautiful queen, I wish you were a gum, I would chew you every time, you make me feel young like I wasborn yesterday, you without whom I would go on a hunger strike. Have a bright day ma dear." John was deeply shocked bythese messages but knew that on the other side his wife might be seeing drama too.
Meanwhile, Jane had seen even more than her husband.. She had received three messagesfrom three women that clearly showed they were hismistresses.
The first SMS was from a woman saved as' pedejhee kingo" which read, ''Hi deah how's ur monin? 4 me am okay..nimepowa na junior hapa..yaani twaku-miss ka kiss ya kibogoyo..junior anasema nampenda sanadadiii, atakuja lini kupowa nasisi?..gday."
Always penniless... Jane almost fainted on seeing this because she could not believe that her husbandhad a son outside marriage. Before her anger wasover, she received a second SMS from' 'Bitebo-saluni'which read, ''Monin ma deah, ope ur enjoyin ur day.
Mine can't be complete without you. Everytime I sleep in this house you bought 4 me I dream 2 love u always. yaaan, hili sita kwa sita ni baridiii bla ya wewe honey ubavuni mwangu..lile Bimmer ulon'nunulia liko poa languruma ka unavonguruma ukiona 'nyama' lol!! Thanks,g'day."
The last message came from'papa-kindo' and read, ''Sasa mchu'? Opeuko poa, mimi niko fiti hapa hm, lakini nakumiss sana . ila wakmbuka honey kuna michuzi twadaiwa kilo kadhaa za ule mradi, tuonane. Nice day love you big, mme wng"
Jane had found the answer to why her husband was always penniless!
When evening came John andJane met at home. They could hardly talk but only stared at one another withsuspicion. Then they called me to intervene, sincerely how could I solve that??????? Please help......friend of mine sent this to me...coz hapa ni utata mtupu..
He worked in a busyinstitution and was expected early at work. His wife,Jane worked a distance fromwhere her husband's office was.
As a result of doingthings in a hurry, John unknowingly, carried his wife'smobile phone leavingbehind his own.
After he had gone, his wife Jane noticed the mix-up but it was too late for her to do anything about it. She thought for a while and decided to carry her husband's phone in case he came back forit.
On arriving at his placeof work John noticed that he had confused his wife's phone for his but decided not to go back for it. He sighed deeply because he knew his wife could access romantic messages sent by his manymistresses. His wife too was disgusted because she had several toy boys.
Drama began to unfold when John received an SMS intended for his wife sent by somebody saved as 'Omari-Taxi', which read, "Vp mambo mtoto, 4 me am okay just mad! waniua-ua, kipenzi. siliii wala silali!.. usiku kucha nakuota wewe, mwenye password ya moyo wang." John was shocked to see this and thought he understood why his wife had come home latethe previous evening. Akaamua kuuchuna, to seewhat more would come.
After one hour he receivedanother SMS from somebody saved as 'Mwanjaa-Salon'which read, "Sasa, laaziz, kpande cha mzizi! natumai uko pouwa!..mi pia, ila bla ya kukutiamachoni..kaaz kwl kwl!. Nice day sweetie, see you at lunch."
Hunger strike! The third SMS tricked in from somebody saved as 'Winnie-boutique which read, "Monin ma beautiful queen, I wish you were a gum, I would chew you every time, you make me feel young like I wasborn yesterday, you without whom I would go on a hunger strike. Have a bright day ma dear." John was deeply shocked bythese messages but knew that on the other side his wife might be seeing drama too.
Meanwhile, Jane had seen even more than her husband.. She had received three messagesfrom three women that clearly showed they were hismistresses.
The first SMS was from a woman saved as' pedejhee kingo" which read, ''Hi deah how's ur monin? 4 me am okay..nimepowa na junior hapa..yaani twaku-miss ka kiss ya kibogoyo..junior anasema nampenda sanadadiii, atakuja lini kupowa nasisi?..gday."
Always penniless... Jane almost fainted on seeing this because she could not believe that her husbandhad a son outside marriage. Before her anger wasover, she received a second SMS from' 'Bitebo-saluni'which read, ''Monin ma deah, ope ur enjoyin ur day.
Mine can't be complete without you. Everytime I sleep in this house you bought 4 me I dream 2 love u always. yaaan, hili sita kwa sita ni baridiii bla ya wewe honey ubavuni mwangu..lile Bimmer ulon'nunulia liko poa languruma ka unavonguruma ukiona 'nyama' lol!! Thanks,g'day."
The last message came from'papa-kindo' and read, ''Sasa mchu'? Opeuko poa, mimi niko fiti hapa hm, lakini nakumiss sana . ila wakmbuka honey kuna michuzi twadaiwa kilo kadhaa za ule mradi, tuonane. Nice day love you big, mme wng"
Jane had found the answer to why her husband was always penniless!
When evening came John andJane met at home. They could hardly talk but only stared at one another withsuspicion. Then they called me to intervene, sincerely how could I solve that??????? Please help......friend of mine sent this to me...coz hapa ni utata mtupu..
Friday, August 14, 2009
SERIKALI ya Indonesia mefurahishwa na mazao yanyozalishwa wilayani Muheza mkoani Tanga kwa uzalishaji mazao mbali mbali yakiwemo Matunda,Nafaka na biashara nakuwa ipo haja kuyaboresha ili kukidhi ushindani wa soka la ndani na nje .
Akifunmgua jengo la maonesho ya kilimo katika viwanja vya Mwl.KJ Nyerere-Nanenane mjini Morogoro jana barozi wa nchi hiyo nchini Yudhistiranto Sungadi alisema wilaya hiyo inachangamoto kubwa ya kujitangaza na kutafuta wawekezaji watakao weza kuayaongezea ubora mazao hayo kwa kuyasindika.
Ufunguzi huo pia ulidhudhiliwa na wakuu idara mbalimbali wilayani humo akiwemo Afisa ugavi Wilaya Sefu Shemhina,Afisa kilimo,Mifugo na Ushirika wilaya Dk Isidori Mwezi mpya na mkurugenzi wa Jijijini la Tanga Majuto Mbuguyu.
Aakionyesha kufurahishwa na maandalizi ya maonesho ya wakulima katika banda hilo Barozi Yudhistiranto aliwataka wakulima nchini kutumia maonesho ya aina hiyo katika kanda husika kama ngao ya kufanikisha uboreshaji kilimo na kuondokana na umasikini
Alisema bidhaa nyingi zinazo zalishwa hapa nchini zimekuwa zikikabiliwa na changamo mbalimbali ambazo wakulima wanaweza kuzitatua kupitia maonesho kama hayo nakuwa ili kufanikisha ipo haja kwa serikali kuwawezesha kufika katika maonesho kama hayo ili waweze kujifunza mambo mbalimbali ya kimaendeleo hususani katika kilimo ambacho ni uti wa mgongo.
Aidha aliwataka waoneshaji kuangalia uwezoakano wa kupunguza gaharama za pembejeo ili wakulima waweze kumudu gaharma hizo na kuzitumia ipasavyo.
Akitoa taarifa ya wilaya hiyo Mkurugenzi mtendaji wa halmashauri hiyo Eustaki Temu alisema bali na wilaya kubiliwa na ufinyu wa bajeti halamashauri imeweza kutumia shilingi milioni 26 kwa ajili ya ujenzi wa jengo la hilo la maoenesho katika kipindi cha miaka minne.
Temu alisema jengo hilo lilianza kujengwa mwaka 2005 litatumika kutoa elimu na njia mbali mbali ambazo wamekuwa wakizitumia wakulima na wajasiliamali wadogowado kutoka wilayani humo kwa msimu wa mwaka mzima.
Awali mwenyekiti wa halmashauri hiyo Bakari Mhando alisema kuwa wakazi wa wilaya ya Muheza ni wakulima,wafugaji na wafanyabiashara ambao wabnahitaji kupata tekenolojia mpya ili kuweza kuoko mazao mengi ambayo yamekuwa yakiharibikia shambani.
Alitaja aina za mazo yanayozalishwa wilayani humo kuwa ni pamoja na kahawa,chai na ufugaji wa ng’ombe na mbuzi wa kisasa katika maeneo ya milimani na mazao ya viungo na mbogamboga,mihogona matunda pamoja yanyopatikana bondeni.
Akifunmgua jengo la maonesho ya kilimo katika viwanja vya Mwl.KJ Nyerere-Nanenane mjini Morogoro jana barozi wa nchi hiyo nchini Yudhistiranto Sungadi alisema wilaya hiyo inachangamoto kubwa ya kujitangaza na kutafuta wawekezaji watakao weza kuayaongezea ubora mazao hayo kwa kuyasindika.
Ufunguzi huo pia ulidhudhiliwa na wakuu idara mbalimbali wilayani humo akiwemo Afisa ugavi Wilaya Sefu Shemhina,Afisa kilimo,Mifugo na Ushirika wilaya Dk Isidori Mwezi mpya na mkurugenzi wa Jijijini la Tanga Majuto Mbuguyu.
Aakionyesha kufurahishwa na maandalizi ya maonesho ya wakulima katika banda hilo Barozi Yudhistiranto aliwataka wakulima nchini kutumia maonesho ya aina hiyo katika kanda husika kama ngao ya kufanikisha uboreshaji kilimo na kuondokana na umasikini
Alisema bidhaa nyingi zinazo zalishwa hapa nchini zimekuwa zikikabiliwa na changamo mbalimbali ambazo wakulima wanaweza kuzitatua kupitia maonesho kama hayo nakuwa ili kufanikisha ipo haja kwa serikali kuwawezesha kufika katika maonesho kama hayo ili waweze kujifunza mambo mbalimbali ya kimaendeleo hususani katika kilimo ambacho ni uti wa mgongo.
Aidha aliwataka waoneshaji kuangalia uwezoakano wa kupunguza gaharama za pembejeo ili wakulima waweze kumudu gaharma hizo na kuzitumia ipasavyo.
Akitoa taarifa ya wilaya hiyo Mkurugenzi mtendaji wa halmashauri hiyo Eustaki Temu alisema bali na wilaya kubiliwa na ufinyu wa bajeti halamashauri imeweza kutumia shilingi milioni 26 kwa ajili ya ujenzi wa jengo la hilo la maoenesho katika kipindi cha miaka minne.
Temu alisema jengo hilo lilianza kujengwa mwaka 2005 litatumika kutoa elimu na njia mbali mbali ambazo wamekuwa wakizitumia wakulima na wajasiliamali wadogowado kutoka wilayani humo kwa msimu wa mwaka mzima.
Awali mwenyekiti wa halmashauri hiyo Bakari Mhando alisema kuwa wakazi wa wilaya ya Muheza ni wakulima,wafugaji na wafanyabiashara ambao wabnahitaji kupata tekenolojia mpya ili kuweza kuoko mazao mengi ambayo yamekuwa yakiharibikia shambani.
Alitaja aina za mazo yanayozalishwa wilayani humo kuwa ni pamoja na kahawa,chai na ufugaji wa ng’ombe na mbuzi wa kisasa katika maeneo ya milimani na mazao ya viungo na mbogamboga,mihogona matunda pamoja yanyopatikana bondeni.
Am Back
by the way nina ishu ya waakulima hapa....
SHIRIKA la mtandao wa vikundi vya wakulima tanzania MVIWATA limetakiwa kubuni mikakati na mbinu endelevu katika kuboresha huduma za mazao,miundombinu yakiwemo masoko na mfumo kwa wakulima ili kufikia lengo la Kilomo Kwanza.
Katibu mkuu wizara ya kilimo,mifugo na mazingira Zanzibar Khalid Salum Mohamed alisema hayo wakati akifungua mkutano wa kumi na nne wa Mviwata unaokwenda sambamba na warsha ya kitaifa mjini hapa.
Mohamed aliitaka Mviwata kuongeza juhudi za upatikanaji wa taarifa za masoko ili kuwaondolea adha ya masoko ya uhakika wakulima hapa nchini na kuuza mazao yao kwa faida.Mbali na changamoto hiyo katibu huyo pia aliitaka Mviwata kuanzisha mfumo wa takwimu za wanamtandao,ili kupata haraka taarifa za matatizo,mawazo na kutatafutia ufumbuzi haraka kabla hayajathiri uchumi.
Pia alisema mifumo ya kisera imebadilika katika miaka ya nyuma ,sera nyingi zilikuwa zikitungwa bila kushirikisha watu lakini kwa sasa mfumo ambapo ushiriki wa wananchi katika kutunga sera na kutekeleza unasisitizwa na serikali.
"mtandao weni ni jukwaa muhimu sana katika kuhakikisha kwamba mawazo ya wakulima yanazingatiwa katika uandaaji wa sera za kiuchumi na kijamii ambazi zinagusa maslahi ya wakulima,hasa wakulima wadogo"alisema.
Aidha alilitaka shirika hilo kuwa na ziara za mafunzo kwa wakulima kutokana na umuhimu wake wa kubadilishana uzoefu wa mbinu na njia za kutumia kufanikisha uzalishaji9 mkubwa badala ya sasa ambapo kwa kiasi kikubwa hutegemea mipango ya serikali.
Awali Mkurugenzi mtendaji wa hali ardhi Tanzania Yefred Muyenzi akitoa mada katika warsha hiyo aliishauri serikali kubadilika mfumo wa uwekezaji vijiji kwa kua mara nyingi hutegema maagizo toka serikalikuu badala ya kusubiri mipango ya jamii husika.
Muyenzi alishauri ni vyema kituo cha uwekezaji na serikali kwa ujumla kuhakikisha zinafanya utafiti wa kina juu ya eneo husika na ikiwezekana hata kufika eneo hilo kwa ajili ya kufahamu ukubwa wa eneo linalohitajika kwa ajili ya uwekezaji kama lipo la kutosha na wananchi wanaoishi eneo hilo hawawezi kuathiriwa na uwekezaji huo.
Alisema kumekuwepo na tatizo katika suala zima la utekelezaji wa sheria za ardhi namba nne na tano jambo ambalo linafanya wananchi wakati mwingine ardhi iliyopo katika eneo lao kutolewa kwa mwekezaji.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
GOD WANTED ME TO TELL YOU Everything that is going wrong in your life today shall be well with you this year. No matter how much your enemies try this year, 'they will not' succeed.
You have been destined to make it andyou shall surely achieve all your goals this year. For the remaining months of this year (2008), all your agonies will be diverted and victory and prosperity will be incoming in abundance.
Today God has confirmed the end of your sufferings sorrows and pains because HE that sits on the throne has remembered you. He has taken away the hardships and given you JOY.
I knocked at heaven's door this morning, God asked me... My child! What can I do for you? And I said, 'Father, please protect and bless the person reading this message'... God smiled and answered... Request granted.......
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Concentrate on this Sentence:

'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.'
When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
Concentrate on this sentence... 'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'
Something good will happen to you today; something that you have been waiting to hear. This is not a joke;
someone will call you by phone or will speak to you about something that you were waiting to hear.
Do not break!
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