Wednesday, February 17, 2010


New CISA Advertising PolicyCISA has offered advertising space free of charge since its inception in 2001. While all other services offered by CISA remain free of charge, rising costs of operations and the need to remain afloat have necessitated a change in our policy on advertising. We would like to notify all our readers that we have started charging a minimal fee for all the adverts that will be carried in our weekly bulletins. We propose to charge Kshs 1, equivalent to 1cent US$. For every email that receives the adverts carried in our bulletins, effective from February 1, 2010. Every paid advert will be sent out to our-readers twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. In addition, the advert will be placed and highlighted on our website for 4 consecutive weeks, after which, the advert will be placed in our electronic archives for easy retrieval when need arises.Currently, CISA’s readership is well over 8,000 and we will continue to build and expand the reach of Africa’s premier Church emailing portal. We are also in the process of re-designing and revamping our website to make it more interactive and more effective as a tool of communication. Ours is a specific audience, comprising consumers of religious information from across the continent. We reach members of all religions in the African continent and beyond. We can assure all who have been advertising with us and those who intend to do so, that they will get good value for their money as this is a targeted audience.Kindly remit your advertising fee through the following channels:Bank Account: Stanbic Bank Westlands Branch acc. Name: Consolata Fathers, acc. Number: 0140026006101 OR Citibank, Nairobi acc. Name: Consolata Missionaries acc. Number: 102216008. (Kindly present your deposit to CISA office to facilitate the running of your advert)Mpesa Account No. +254 724 256 853Zap Account No. +254 733 570 681
All payments will immediately be acknowledged in electronic form and official receipts drawn in the name of those advertising, individuals and institutions.Please note that only adverts that will have been paid for will be published. We thank you for your continued support of CISA and look forward to greater circulation as we expand our readership and continue networking the Church in Africa by email.Mike O’maera, Editor, CISA

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